Creating Virtual Machine Accounts

These instructions will guide you through all the steps needed to create a new account for someone (e.g., a TA) on the virtual machine. Throughout these instructions, you should replace the placeholder <name> with the actual name of the new account.


The created account will have unlimited administrative privileges on the virtual machine. Be careful who you give an account to.

  1. An existing sysadmin must run the following commands to create the account. The first command creates the new account and adds it to the sudo (sysadmin) group. The second command sets an initial password for the account. Be prepared to share this with the owner of the new account.

    sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo <name>
    sudo passwd <name>


The remaining steps should be performed by the account owner.

  1. To connect to the virtual machine remotely, you must have access to a command line interface on your personal machine. If you own a Mac or Linux computer, Terminal should already be installed. If you own a Windows computer, you should install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (Windows 10 only) or Cygwin.

  2. At the command line on your personal machine, log into the virtual machine using one of the following pairs of commands:

    ssh-keygen -R []:8015
    ssh -p 8015 <name>

    if the virtual machine is still under construction and is connected to the network using port forwarding, or

    ssh-keygen -R
    ssh <name>

    if the virtual machine is publicly visible and using bridged netorking.

    First, you will be asked to accept the unrecognized fingerprint of the virtual machine; enter “yes”. Second, you will need to enter your password. Finally, you should be greeted by a welcome message, and the command prompt should change to <name>@biol300:~$.

    If you would like to change your password, you may do so now using the following command:

  3. On the virtual machine, add yourself to the www-data (Apache web server) group to make accessing files in the web directory easier:

    sudo usermod -a -G www-data <name>

    You must logout and back in for this change to take effect (you do not need to do so now).


The following steps are optional.

  1. If you would like to be able to log into the virtual machine without needing to enter your password, do the following.

    First, logout of the virtual machine to return to your personal computer:


    Second, generate an SSH key on your personal computer if you do not have one already. If you do, this command will recognize that and do nothing. Otherwise, press Enter three times when asked about the file location and passphrase:

    [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] || ssh-keygen

    Third, copy your public SSH key to the virtual machine using one of the following commands (you will need to enter your password for the virtual machine once or twice).

    If the virtual machine is still under construction and is connected to the network using port forwarding, and if ssh-copy-id is available on your personal computer, use

    ssh-copy-id -p 8015 <name>

    If ssh-copy-id is unavailable, use

    scp -P 8015 ~/.ssh/ <name>
    ssh -p 8015 <name> "mkdir -p .ssh && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys && rm"

    If the virtual machine is publicly visible and using bridged netorking, and if ssh-copy-id is available on your personal computer, use

    ssh-copy-id <name>

    If ssh-copy-id is unavailable, use

    scp ~/.ssh/ <name>
    ssh <name> "mkdir -p .ssh && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys && rm"

    You should now be able to log into the virtual machine without entering your password. Do so now using using one of the following commands:

    ssh -p 8015 <name>

    if the virtual machine is still under construction and is connected to the network using port forwarding, or

    ssh <name>

    if the virtual machine is publicly visible and using bridged netorking.

  2. Create a Vim configuration file on the virtual machine by following the directions in Vim Configuration File.