Wiki Maintenance CheatsheetΒΆ


The instructions for new TAs ought to be moved to their own page.

  • Steps to take for new TAs:

  • Some useful commands:

    • Logging in, with port forwarding:

      ssh -p 8015
    • Logging in, with bridged networking:

    • Copying files from your local machine to your home folder on the server, with port forwarding:

      scp -P 8015 /path/to/local/files
    • Copying files from your local machine to your home folder on the server, with bridged networking:

      scp /path/to/local/files
    • Testing Django code as non-staff (do not forget to undo when done with is_staff=1!):

      mysql -u root -p djangodb
      UPDATE auth_user SET is_staff=0 WHERE username='hjc';
    • Emptying the ScholasticGrading grade log (useful for development):

      echo "DELETE FROM logging WHERE log_type='grades';" | mysql -u root -p wikidb
    • Viewing APT package descriptions:

      apt-cache search foo
    • Cleaning up directories:

      find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm \{\} \;
      find . -name \*~ -exec rm \{\} \;
  • Important file locations:

    Apache error and access logs /var/log/apache2/
    Apache configuration directory /etc/apache2/
    Apache configuration files /etc/apache2/conf-available/
    SSL certificates /media/sf_ssl-certificates/
    Web root directory /var/www/html/
    MediaWiki source directory /var/www/mediawiki/
    MediaWiki extensions directory /var/www/mediawiki/extensions/
    MediaWiki configuration file /var/www/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php
    Django directory /var/www/django/