7. Install Citation Tools


Get Wikipedia’s advanced citation tools for VisualEditor, especially automatic citation completion from URLs, DOIs, and PMIDs.


Add screenshots showing the various citation tools in action.

  1. Start the virtual machine and log in:

    ssh -p 8015 hjc@dynamicshjc.case.edu
  2. Check for and install system updates on the virtual machine:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get autoremove
  3. Install the citation templates. Citation templates are plain text templates that allow wiki users to create standardized reference citations by filling in parameters.

    For example, citation templates will transform wiki text such as this,

    {{cite journal|last1=Cullins|first1=Miranda J.|last2=Gill|first2=Jeffrey P.|last3=McManus|first3=Jeffrey M.|last4=Lu|first4=Hui|last5=Shaw|first5=Kendrick M.|last6=Chiel|first6=Hillel J.|title=Sensory Feedback Reduces Individuality by Increasing Variability within Subjects|journal=Current Biology|date=October 2015|volume=25|issue=20|pages=2672–2676|doi=10.1016/j.cub.2015.08.044}}

    into properly formatted wiki text, complete with italics and bold markup and hyperlinks:

    Cullins, Miranda J.; Gill, Jeffrey P.; McManus, Jeffrey M.; Lu, Hui; Shaw, Kendrick M.; Chiel, Hillel J. (October 2015). "Sensory Feedback Reduces Individuality by Increasing Variability within Subjects". ''Current Biology'' '''25''' (20): 2672–2676. [[doi]]:[https://dx.doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.cub.2015.08.044 10.1016/j.cub.2015.08.044].

    To install the citation templates, first download this XML file (citation-templates-1.27.xml), and import it into the wiki using Special:Import (choose “Import to default locations”).

    Complete the installation by editing this wiki page and appending the following:

    • MediaWiki:Common.css

      citation template styles

       *          CITATION TEMPLATE STYLES          *
      /* Reset italic styling set by user agent */
      cite, dfn {
          font-style: inherit;
      /* Consistent size for <small>, <sub> and <sup> */
      small {
          font-size: 85%;
      .mw-body sub,
      .mw-body sup,
      span.reference /* for Parsoid */ {
          font-size: 80%;
      /* Highlight linked elements (such as clicked references) in blue */
      body.action-info :target,
      .citation:target {
          background-color: #DEF;  /* Fallback */
          background-color: rgba(0, 127, 255, 0.133);
      /* Styling for citations. Breaks long urls, etc., rather than overflowing box */
      .citation {
          word-wrap: break-word;
      /* For linked citation numbers and document IDs, where the number need not be shown
         on a screen or a handheld, but should be included in the printed version */
      @media screen, handheld {
          .citation .printonly {
              display: none;
      /* Make the list of references smaller */
      div.refbegin {
          font-size: 90%;            /* Default font-size */
          margin-bottom: 0.5em;
      div.refbegin-100 {
          font-size: 100%;           /* Option for normal fontsize in {{refbegin}} */
      div.reflist ol.references {
          font-size: 100%;           /* Reset font-size when nested in div.reflist */
          margin-bottom: 0;          /* Avoid double margin when nested in dev.reflist */
          list-style-type: inherit;  /* Enable custom list style types */
      /* Ensure refs in table headers and the like aren't bold or italic */
      sup.reference {
          font-weight: normal;
          font-style: normal;
      /* Allow hidden ref errors to be shown by user CSS */
      span.brokenref {
          display: none;

    Details about how the XML file was created can be found here [1]. The CSS code above was extracted from a version of MediaWiki:Common.css on Wikipedia contemporary with the templates included in the XML file.

  4. Install refToolbar. refToolbar is a MediaWiki “gadget”: a JavaScript-powered add-on for MediaWiki managed by the Gadgets extension. It adds a “Cite” button to the edit toolbar that makes filling citation templates easier by providing a pop-up wizard with text fields for each citation template parameter.

    To install refToolbar, first download this XML file (refToolbar-1.27.xml), and import it into the wiki using Special:Import (choose “Import to default locations”).

    Complete the installation by editing this wiki page and appending the following:

    • MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition

      * refToolbar[ResourceLoader|default|dependencies=user.options,mediawiki.legacy.wikibits]|refToolbar.js
      * refToolbarBase[ResourceLoader|hidden|rights=hidden]|refToolbarBase.js

    Details about how the XML file was created can be found here [2].

  5. Install reference tooltips. Like refToolbar, reference tooltips are implemented using a MediaWiki gadget. When enabled, placing the mouse cursor over any citation will either provide the reference in a tooltip (if the bibliography is not currently visible on-screen) or highlight the reference in the bibliography (if the bibliography is visible).

    To install reference tooltips, first download this XML file (reference-tooltips-1.27.xml), and import it into the wiki using Special:Import (choose “Import to default locations”).

    Complete the installation by editing this wiki page and appending the following:

    Details about how the XML file was created can be found here [3].

  6. Test that the citation tools are working by pasting this text into any wiki page and pressing the “Show Preview” button:

    <ref name=note />
    <ref name=book />
    <ref name=journal />
    <ref name=news />
    <ref name=web />
    <div style="height:200px"></div>
    <ref name=note>This is a simple note, not a full citation.</ref>
    <ref name=book>{{cite book|last1=Doe|first1=John|last2=Doe|first2=Jane|title=Book Title|date=1 January 1999|publisher=Publisher|location=New York|isbn=978-1-23-456789-7|pages=1-99|edition=1st|url=http://www.example.com|accessdate=1 January 2015}}</ref>
    <ref name=journal>{{cite journal|last1=Doe|first1=John|last2=Doe|first2=Jane|title=Journal article title|journal=Journal|date=1 January 1999|volume=1|issue=1|pages=1-99|doi=10.1234/56789|pmid=123456|url=http://www.example.com|accessdate=1 January 2015}}</ref>
    <ref name=news>{{cite news|last1=Doe|first1=John|last2=Doe|first2=Jane|title=News article title|url=http://www.example.com|accessdate=1 January 2015|work=Newspaper|agency=Agency|issue=1|publisher=Publisher|date=1 January 1999}}</ref>
    <ref name=web>{{cite web|last1=Doe|first1=John|last2=Doe|first2=Jane|title=Web article title|url=http://www.example.com|website=Website|publisher=Publisher|accessdate=1 January 2015}}</ref>

    Perform these tests:

    • Inspect the reference list. If the citations look alright, there are no script errors, and there are no red links, then the citation templates are properly installed.
    • Try inserting a new citation template into the page using refToolbar’s “Cite” menu, found on the toolbar to the right of “Help” (perform a hard refresh in your browser if you do not see it). You should also be able to insert additional citations to existing named references by clicking “Named references”.
    • Test the reference tooltips by hovering your cursor over one of the citations (bracketed numbers). If the reference list is simultaneously visible, you should see a box appear in the reference list around the corresponding reference. If the list is not visible, you should see a tooltip containing the reference. You can adjust the height of the <div> or resize your browser window to test both cases.

    If these tests are successful, you can press “Cancel” instead of “Save page” to avoid saving the test code.


    Add tests for VisualEditor’s citation tools.

  7. Shut down the virtual machine:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  8. Using VirtualBox, take a snapshot of the current state of the virtual machine. Name it “Citation tools installed”.



The XML file citation-templates-1.27.xml contains versions of the following pages, originally exported from Wikipedia, that are compatible with MediaWiki 1.27 and contemporary extensions (e.g., Scribunto on branch REL1_27):

Module:Citation/CS1/Date validation
Template:Cite AV media
Template:Cite AV media notes
Template:Cite book
Template:Cite conference
Template:Cite DVD notes
Template:Cite encyclopedia
Template:Cite episode
Template:Cite interview
Template:Cite journal
Template:Cite mailing list
Template:Cite map
Template:Cite news
Template:Cite newsgroup
Template:Cite podcast
Template:Cite press release
Template:Cite report
Template:Cite serial
Template:Cite sign
Template:Cite speech
Template:Cite techreport
Template:Cite thesis
Template:Cite web

Versions compatible with MediaWiki 1.27 were found by first trying the versions of these pages currently on Wikipedia, exported using Special:Export on 2016-08-20. At the time, Wikipedia was running an alpha-phase version of MediaWiki 1.28.0. Luckily, this just worked without errors or rendering glitches. If it had not, I would have used the method described in Updating Templates Exported from Wikipedia to find working versions of these pages.

Finally, to eliminate the red links that would otherwise appear in some citations, I manually edited the XML contents of Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration. Specifically, in the variable id_handlers, I added the interwiki prefix wikipedia: to each link field; I added the same prefix to the value of ['help page link'].

The final result is the file citation-templates-1.27.xml.


The XML file refToolbar-1.27.xml contains versions of the following pages, originally exported from Wikipedia, that are compatible with MediaWiki 1.27 and contemporary extensions (e.g., Scribunto on branch REL1_27):


Versions compatible with MediaWiki 1.27 were found by first trying the versions of these pages currently on Wikipedia, exported using Special:Export on 2016-08-20. At the time, Wikipedia was running an alpha-phase version of MediaWiki 1.28.0. Luckily, this just worked without errors or rendering glitches. If it had not, I would have used the method described in Updating Templates Exported from Wikipedia to find working versions of these pages.

The final result is the file refToolbar-1.27.xml.


The XML file reference-tooltips-1.27.xml contains versions of the following pages, originally exported from Wikipedia, that are compatible with MediaWiki 1.27:


Versions compatible with MediaWiki 1.27 were found by first trying the versions of these pages currently on Wikipedia, exported using Special:Export on 2017-03-29. At the time, Wikipedia was running MediaWiki 1.29.0. Luckily, this just worked without errors or rendering glitches. If it had not, I would have used the method described in Updating Templates Exported from Wikipedia to find working versions of these pages.

I then made one small modification. On Wikipedia, the reference tooltips are confined to the Main, Project, and Help namespaces. We need the tooltips to work anywhere on our wiki, and most critically in the User namespace. To accomplish this, in the XML file I replaced line 7 of MediaWiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips.js with

if (true) {

The final result is the file reference-tooltips-1.27.xml.